Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
KQTx Facilitator Toolkit

Updated as of September 2022

About this FAQ document


This FAQ is intended to share more information about the KQTx Facilitator Toolkit ( to enable prospective and current facilitators to better use its content and tools. The intended audiences are facilitators who identify as queer and trans people of Korean descent (KQTs) and allies/accomplices who support spaces that include KQTs.

How to use this FAQ document

In this document, we invite questions and comments by users of the Toolkit. You can submit a question by using the Feedback form.


This page will be updated on a semi-regular basis, due to the volunteer nature of this project. 
To Reach Someone: Please use the contact form at

FAQ: General

Who made this toolkit? Why?

This toolkit came together through numerous conversations with KQTs about how to center belonging, safety, care, and connection in the KQT community. Through these conversations we began to gather, brainstorm, and create helpful frameworks, and tools to support anyone seeking to hold a safer, more affirming and engaging community space for KQTs. The resources in this toolkit are also expanded upon in a live KQTx Facilitation Training, a group training where you can learn more about how to apply these frameworks and tools in practice with fellow KQTs.

Who was a part of creating this toolkit: Kristine Chong, P Han, Sandy Hong, Samuel Park, John Won

How frequently will the Toolkit be updated?  

Because of the volunteer nature of this project group, we anticipate that we will be making annual or bi-annual reviews of the feedback to update the toolkit’s content. We will coordinate with the KQTx National Network Steering Committee on communicating these updates more widely with the community.

How can I submit an event to be featured on the KQTx National Network Events Calendar? 

Please get in touch with our Events Committee by contacting the KQTx Steering Committee at

Where can I see examples of some other KQT event activations?

We recommend joining the KQTx Discord to chat and connect with other KQT community members and creators who are actively putting on a variety of events and virtual gatherings. 

We also recommend taking a look at the local KQT groups who have emerged in cities like NYC, Chicago, SF Bay Area, and D.C.
Follow KQTx on Instagram to learn about upcoming events in the community  

What are KQTx Affinity Spaces?

Affinity Spaces are a supportive environment for queer, trans people of Korean descent (KQTs) to connect and be in a community of shared identity and experience. Affinity Spaces are peer-led by KQTs who have undergone the KQTx Facilitation Training. Affinity Spaces are intended to be closed to the public and exclusive to the identity group stated in its title and purpose unless stated otherwise. Affinity Spaces are free to attend, however, some may request donations depending on the facilitator’s labor, materials, and time to prepare. 

Access the KQTx Affinity Spaces FAQ

The KQTx logo written in grey, followed by a black norigae/노리개 featuring a red and blue taegeuk/태극 in the center and the letters "f" and "t" in red and blue

This toolkit is brought to you by KQTx.